The McNelson Family

The McNelson Family
Lil' Half Nelson

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ottawa trip!

Recently Amber and I went out to Ottawa to visit Uncle Rick, Aunt Tracy and cousins Keira and Naomi.

Watching Bubble Guppies together
It was so nice being able to watch all the girls play together. There was lots of running around, laughing, shrieking (mainly by Amber), and my favorite...lots of toddler talk. By that I mean the talk that happened between the girls. There was lots of cute chatter that happened over the short week that we were there. Naomi often would tell Amber that she needed to eat lunch, or dinner....sadly Amber didn't take her advice :( Amber also took a while to sort out who was who between the twins, calling Keira "Naomi" or vice versa. She had no qualms, however, when it came to telling them that they should move away from "her" iPad. Needless to say....we are still working on the whole sharing thing.

Some of the fun places we went to included the Children's Museum:
Riding in a Tuk Tuk
Pausing for a snack in a teeny tiny pyramid

The farm:
"Hi Goat!" - Amber said that a lot that day
Checking out the baby chicks
The nature museum:
Checking out what happens to rock under high pressure and temperature
Going on a bird rescue
Say "Cheese Wizz!"
Amber was so overwhelmed with all the fun toys that Keira and Naomi had as well. Between the trampoline, hockey sticks and net, cars, shopping carts, swings, etc. she often refused to nap or go to bed in the evening because that meant no more play time. I think now that she's home she's slightly bored of her old toys, but she's been extra excited about Loca who she calls "Fuzz", so I think it all evens out.
Amber and Uncle Rick made some creative potato heads
All in all it was a great trip and we can't wait to do it again soon!
What would our trip be without this classic photo!

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