The McNelson Family

The McNelson Family
Lil' Half Nelson

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Halloween Recap

This year we decided to do Halloween right and headed to a pumpkin patch in Richmond to search for the perfect pumpkin :)
Once we got there Amber (in serious need of a nap) didn't want to have anything to do with the pumpkin patch....nor did she want to set a single foot on the ground. So Tim and I took turns carrying her around.
The mode of transport to and from the pumpkin patch was a tractor ride complete with live music.
Amber really enjoyed the music and was completely enthralled with the fiddle player on the way back :)
Tim took it upon himself to find the biggest pumpkin at the patch. He scoured the far back field and eventually emerged with a 40lb pumpkin!
Amber also picked out a nice small pumpkin which would later be used as the "eaten pumpkin".
Tim was the carving master this year and designed quite a spooky pumpkin. Amber and I were both very impressed :)
On Halloween Amber wore her dragon costume to Sarah's (daycare) and went trick-o-treating with her little buddies Zoey and Leiland. Although she enjoyed the two chocolate bars she got that day, the biggest hit was the play dough she was given. She also painted a little mini pumpkin :)
Once we got home and had dinner, Amber was too tired for any additional trick-o-treating so I just dressed her up at home for a quick photo op then it was off to bed. All-in-all a great Halloween!

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