Amber loooooooves bunnies. It started with one particular bunny that she loved, but she loved it so aggressively that it often needed laundry. Actually she kind of helps us clean the house by using it as a swiffer as she crawls along the floor. So we got another bunny for a laundry rotation. And then like bunnies do, they replicated to the point that we now have a bunny army. There's mini-bunny (a recent addition), two regular sized bunnies (road bunnies), and one large bunny (crib bunny). All of these bunnies make our parent lives much easier. Every time I've taken the skytrain with Amber strapped to me, I've had a bunny wedged between her head and my chest. And nothing puts her to sleep faster than being plopped down onto Crib Bunny with a soother in her mouth. And up in Sechelt (where we've been going a lot lately), Grandma Jenny got Amber a MEGA-bunny which Amber loves proportionally more.
The other day, while Amber was out at daycare, they ended up at a store that sold these exact bunnies Amber loves so much and they decided to literally bury her in them. As you can see, I think she was in heaven.
Ha! Adorable!