It's getting to be dangerously close to 2 full years since I committed to the bathroom shower project. I think it was August 2010 to be honest.
At least in those 2 years we've replaced the counter tops, sinks, toilets, and floors in both bathrooms, as well as the many other projects that have been detailed on here. Some them that come to mind are the: kitchen floor and kickplates, built a 9" floor cabinet, the kitchen counter tops and cabinet doors (*each with custom sizing), kitchen sink, tile, grout and seal the kitchen backsplash. The living room ceiling fan (build and paint external mount box plus wiring) several light fixtures, all sink fixtures, all the light switch plates, remove kitchen garburator and add an additional outlet, install drinking water filter.. That's not even including all the cabin projects: carpet upstairs in the loft, front stairs, deck, and railing. Oh yeah, wrote and defended a PhD, had a baby. Plus all the fun trips and recreation we get up to. It's mind boggling really.
August 2010 Starting Demotion
Anyways, here shows the first sloped mortar bed that was finally completed today
Now I'm ready to re-install the curb, the PVC membrane, and the wall board. Then it's time to do another mortar bed on top of the membrane, seal the wall board, and then finally tile. Oh yeah, after I install the curb I'll have to cover it in lath as it will be covered with a layer of mortar as well before tiling.
There was already so much work just to get to here Such as:
Re do the plumbing underneath the floor
Install a "ledger strip" around the basin perimeter to set your slope to the drain
Install under-layer, expanded metal "lath" and use wood filler on all raised nails and screw heads
Have the plumber come in to install plumbing for a new center single-lever fixture, (he also plumbed the water filter)
Before we had the old-school separate knobs for hot/cold and our faucet was too low. Now it's nice and high.