The presentation is coming along. I've got 2 more days to prepare and then it's time to just accept that there is nothing left for me to do; other than go do my best and accept my fate.
And if this isn't the nerdiest thing you've ever seen...these are images to represent my four research chapters.

I went and visited "the room" last Monday to help with the positive visualization. I've always done well with presentations in the past, so hopefully this one will be no different.

It's not really "about" the presentation though, that is just my chance to impress. The examiners have had a month to prepare their questions, but I have to answer them on the spot. That is the make or break.
The way it works at UBC, is that the external examiner submitted his report, with his recommendation for pass/fail 1 week ago. If the report had come back negative, my exam would not even be proceeding so at some level I kind of "know" that I should get through this, but I also know that mo matter what it's going to be hard.
Anyways...Friday night at the lab; hopefully for the last time, but depending on how significant my post-defense revisions end up being I still may have another few all-nighters left in me.
Only time will tell.
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