The McNelson Family

The McNelson Family
Lil' Half Nelson

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Getting there on the thesis....

Manuscript 1 (Chapter 2) Done and published
Manuscript 2 (Chapter 3) Done, reviewed, changes made
Manuscript 3 (Chapter 4) Done, reviewed, a few edits to make
Maunscript 4 (Chapter 5) Done, reviewed, a few edits to make
Conclusion (Chapter 6) Done, submitted for review - likely changes to make

So now it's back to the Intro (Chapter 1) which is already at 7100 words and pretty close.

So left to do is finalize the Intro, finish the edits to Manuscripts 3 and 4, and build the whole thesis into one unified document. I've got the template built and figured out so after making these changes its a few solid days of cut and paste.

There is light at the end of the tunnel....whether it's an oncoming train remains to be determined. The overall word count right now is 52,500. Faculty of Grad Studies says doctoral theses are normally between 60,000 - 80,000 words so mine will be about the right length.

As soon as I get it submitted to my internal examining committee then its time to finish and submit a required business plan with my MBA partner (and friend) to satisfy my scholarship requirements.

When I see people on the news get hit with these year long 'house-arrest' punishments I immediately think to myself - God that's not so bad, just write up your thesis and before you know it you'll be free. If I ever get arrested I think I'll do an online MBA...

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