The McNelson Family

Lil' Half Nelson
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Being this cute has its benefits.....
.....benefit number one being that Mom quickly forgives you for waking up every hour through the night for the majority of this month. Benefit number two is that you can get away with crying through each and every bath (as soon as the water hits your head) and then still manage to get photos this good :)
This month has definitely been difficult to say the least. The only way I can manage a decent amount of sleep (about 3 consecutive hours) is to have Amber in bed with me. Usually I'll try to keep her in her own bed until about 5am.....but after I've seen every hour on the clock leading up to that point I'm ready to give in and take her into bed. I'm not sure whether she's going through a month long growth spurt or whether she just gets a little lonely at night....either way, it amounts to a whole lot of coffee fueled days!
I've heard some people say that "things really start to get better at three months".....I'm thinking Amber maybe didn't get that memo! Either way I still love her to pieces. I'm sure one day....long after this is over....I'll look back at this time and laugh :)
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Things ACTUALLY get better at six months. We had the sleep go way downhill around the four month mark, too. I think they're at the developmental stage of using their cry for purposeful communication - which means they are practicing exerting their power over Mommy and Daddy! If you are interested in some hints on sleep training, I'm happy to help. (And I don't mean crying it out alone in their room, I just mean starting to gently wean them off sucking to sleep and being bounced/rocked until Mommy has broken a full sweat - because those things stop working aorund this point and they need to start learning some self-soothing.) But it's all a matter of personal choice, and if you can sleep peacefully with her in your bed, there's really no harm in that either! Do what you have to do to survive!!!!