A 3 shot sequence of a rock ride.
This shows the view from the bottom, it was actually really steep but the lense hardly did it justice.
The same rock ride but a view from the top.
This was later in the day on a newly completed memorial trail called "It's Business Time"..
We did a bit of posing too, Amir likes to work with the lighting which usually means squinting into the sun.

I love the colors (yes I am purposely not using the Quebec spelling anymore) in the forest.
We also went to this amazing treehouse in the forest. Apparently it took the guy several years to build. Very impressive.
Another thing that made this ride awesome was that I finally installed a receiver on the Mazda so it can take bikes. This is a much more exciting drive on the Sea to Sky highway than a Tundra monster truck, much cheaper on gas too.
And now the life update:
Life is good. Super busy. I'd like to think I'll update this more often. We'll see. A summary: I got my dream job after a bout of unemployment. It is amazingly challenging and days go by so fast it is scary. I have a multi-year learning curve before I become efficient. I love what I do and can't believe I get paid for it.
Amber is turning into a little person. Today she spoke her first real sentence to me and I was floored. She was pushing her Thomas the train along and I asked her what she was doing? I always ask her questions and never really expect a response, but she stopped, thought about it, and told me "I'm going back into my room daddy" and I was so blown away. Her annunciation wasn't perfect but good enough for me to realize that I wasn't imagining it, she really understands now and can respond.
Kristy is amazing. She lets me get out on rides like shown above which meant I was out of the house from about 9am - 7pm. In return I make sure to be home from work in time for her to kickbox Monday and Wednesday nights. Hardly a fair trade. But to stick up for myself a little bit, she was out on a stagette party the day before the ride from noon to 11pm so it's not like I do nothing. Here is an example of what happened Saturday when I tried to get some work done while Amber was eating. I thought she was a bit too quiet.
And here's a shot of Amber and Kristy from 2 weeks ago when we were out for breakfast. Amber drank that entire glass of milk.
It's been so long since I've updated that there is just too much to say. Overall things are great although I don't go more than a few hours without thinking about how much I miss Jenny. Things are really different without her. We're all learning how to cope with it