I can't believe it's already been two weeks - well, tomorrow it'll be two weeks, but close enough :)
Amber is growing rapidly and as of yesterday she's surpassed her birth weight - Yay! The nurses have been impressed with her growth so far. Now that we've figured out this whole nursing thing it's been much easier for Amber to pack on the pounds :)
One challenge I'm still having is trying to flip her night and day routines. I realize that it's still early in the game, but she's slowly making the transition and is sleeping for longer periods around 10pm now. She has developed a bit of an 'allergy' to her crib though. Every time I put her down she seems to wake up within 1 or 2 minutes and starts to fuss and cry. Once picked up, however, she's completely content and falls back asleep. I think she might already have us wrapped around her little finger!
I'm healing quickly as well. I even started to workout during some of Amber's daytime naps :) Plus, I try to get out for daily walks with Amber strapped to my chest. She seems to like the fresh air and is completely content in the baby wrap. I'm already in my old jeans again and only have a little of the baby weight left to shed - woohoo!
All in all things have been really great with Amber and I'm impressed at how content she seems to be (during the daylight hours...lol). I'm looking forward to the baby shower this weekend where friends and family will all get to see her.
The McNelson Family

Lil' Half Nelson
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Another baby photo

There will surely be more to come but this one shows what she looks like a little better. Of course we're biased but we think she's pretty cute.
Historically babies haven't really done all that much for me emotionally but now I catch myself just staring at her for minutes at a time with a big smile on my face.
Monday, January 10, 2011
It's a girl !!

On Friday January 7th at 9:31 AM Amber Mackenzie Nelson entered this world weighing in at 6 lbs 8 oz and measuring 19 inches long. We didn't know whether we were having a boy or girl but the surprise was even greater considering that our due date wasn't until January 23rd.
Kristy, although asymptomatic, had been having high blood pressure (pregnancy induced hypertension) and had been going in for weekly tests. Thursday around 2:30 she headed out for what she thought was going to be a routine blood pressure check. Once again, it was too high for chance so they sent her to Women's/Children's hospital to have some blood work done. After a few stressful (for me) phone calls, Kristy told me to come to the hospital. As we are currently a 1 car family I headed out on the bus to the hospital not knowing what to expect.
At 10:30 PM Thursday they gave Kristy a drug to induce labour. The plan was that we were to return the following morning at 9:30 AM for the 2nd dose. We were told that most women need 2 doses and that likely we'd again be sent home the next day but that the baby was coming within a couple days and maybe a week.
Well Kristy progressed WAY faster than the average woman. All night she was having horrible cramps as well as contractions. The contractions kept getting stronger and closer together. By 5:30 AM her water broke and we knew "it was on". We had a Dhula visit us by 7:00 AM and I explained that she really was in active labour. Nobody believed us until the Dhula saw her in person (had paged a midwife a few times through the night), but once a woman has 3 minute-long contractions inside of 10 minutes then she meets the medical definition for "active labour". By about 7:15 AM we were out the door but not moving very fast as Kristy had 3 huge contractions before we could get her down to the car in the parkade.
It was surreal but I still thought we had a long day ahead of us. We drove to the hospital in rush hour and likely didn't break 30 km/hr the whole way there (I always dreamed of driving like a maniac at breakneck speeds). We got to the hospital at 7:45 AM and fairly quickly found ourselves in a delivery room.
Poor Kristy was in severe pain. The quality of care was phenomenal, but as they deliver thousands of babies they tend to provide care as though the woman is the "statistical average". My interpretation is that they really didn't believe how much pain she was in and although nobody ever said it, they were basically telling her to "suck it up". Upon initial assessment they were all amazed to learn that she was already 4 cm dilated (40% of the way there).
To try and handle the pain, we got Kristy in the bathtub. The midwife explained that she would have to just deal with the pain for awhile (with laughing gas during contractions) and that they would check her again after enough time had passed for there to be a significant change. Well less than an hour later after Kristy was clearly in a TON of pain they checked her again and we were all amazed to learn that she was now FULLY dilated and thus it was too late to administer anything for the pain.
So I guess that's when the all the kickboxing toughness really helped out. We had considered having a water birth but weren't positive. As it turned out she had progressed so fast that we didn't have time to get her out of the tub and so a water birth it was going to be.
After several painful contractions, the nurses and midwife noticed that Kristy wasn't pushing during the contractions as this was her way of minimizing the pain which was more intense than I could ever imagine. I felt so helpless seeing her in that condition.
After Kristy figured out that while the pain would be worse, if she held her breath and pushed with the contractions, the process would be over with faster. I've lost track but I really don't think it took more than 3 additional contractions of her actually pushing "with" them before our baby was first under water and then on her chest. After all, Kristy is a black belt and tough as nails so in hindsight perhaps it wasn't all that surprising.
"The baby" was on her chest with eyes wide open and not even crying just staring at all of us with a bewildered look which I interpreted to be "What in the ____ is going on here?". It was probably another minute before one of the nurses said "check to see if it's a boy or girl". Hard to explain but I truly didn't care and after inspection, indeed it was a girl.
Nobody in the hospital could believe how fast Kristy progressed nor how well she did considering it was her first baby and that her labour was induced. She's a real statistical outlier and several nurses came in to tell her how much of a champion she was.
So it ended up being 11 hours from when Kristy was induced to when she gave birth, 4 hours from when her water broke, and less than 2 hours from when we arrived at the hospital. As mentioned, we drove to the hospital in rush hour, but amazingly found ourselves discharged and driving home, again in rush hour, but this time with a new member of the family.
As I pulled into the parkade I was suddenly hit with the thought, "OK what now?".
So far so good. Amber is a "textbook baby" who only seems to cry for a reason. Kristy is already an amazing mom and I'm doing everything I can to help her out. This new chapter of life has begun.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Baby Room
Our baby room is finally shaping up! We've managed to get the crib set up as well as a nice large shelving unit to hold all of the baby items and stuff from Tim's old desk that was 'relocated'.
I have to admit that now that everything has started to come together I'm feeling a lot less nervous about the big day. Although, fear of the unknown still manages to keep me up at night from time to time.
During our last doctor/midwife appointment we were told that the baby has dropped way down into my pelvis and is 'ready to go'. She also said that there isn't much more room for the baby to grow inside my belly. So it seems like Baby McNelson could be making an early appearance just like everyone has been predicting!
Another outcome from our last appointment is that my blood pressure is starting to creep up a little so now I'll be visiting the doctor once a week instead of once every 2 weeks just to be on the safe side. On the upside it gives us more chances to hear our little baby's heartbeat!
Last night I had a bit of a worrisome moment and even ended up calling the on-call midwife for help. I was pretty sure I wasn't going into labor, but I had continuous contractions from 2am until about 5:30am when I finally decided to call. "Fortunately" it turned out to be a case of food poisoning and after I was able to expel everything from my stomach I almost instantly felt better and was able to get back to sleep. I made sure to stay awake long enough to feel the baby kick again though. Today everything feels tickiddy-boo :)
I have to admit that now that everything has started to come together I'm feeling a lot less nervous about the big day. Although, fear of the unknown still manages to keep me up at night from time to time.
During our last doctor/midwife appointment we were told that the baby has dropped way down into my pelvis and is 'ready to go'. She also said that there isn't much more room for the baby to grow inside my belly. So it seems like Baby McNelson could be making an early appearance just like everyone has been predicting!
Another outcome from our last appointment is that my blood pressure is starting to creep up a little so now I'll be visiting the doctor once a week instead of once every 2 weeks just to be on the safe side. On the upside it gives us more chances to hear our little baby's heartbeat!
Last night I had a bit of a worrisome moment and even ended up calling the on-call midwife for help. I was pretty sure I wasn't going into labor, but I had continuous contractions from 2am until about 5:30am when I finally decided to call. "Fortunately" it turned out to be a case of food poisoning and after I was able to expel everything from my stomach I almost instantly felt better and was able to get back to sleep. I made sure to stay awake long enough to feel the baby kick again though. Today everything feels tickiddy-boo :)
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